Physical therapy, running, cycling, swimming, weight lifting, Crossfit, injury, knee pain, low back pain, neck pain

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take my insurance?

We are an out-of-network provider because being out of network allows us the ability to provide treatment the way you deserve to be treated.

Each session is one-on-one for 60-90 minutes with a doctor of physical therapy.

Being out-of-network allows us to treat the way we want to treat rather than being dictated by insurance companies.

We are able to provide more comprehensive and individualized treatments and plans for out patients and clients.

Can I Use My HSA or FSA?

Yes, we accept HSA and FSA funds.

Can I submit visits to my insurance for reimbursement?

Yes, visits can be submitted to your insurance company and some insurances will reimburse you for our services. We can provide a superbill for your visits upon request which can be submitted to your company.

Do I need a referral?

In the state of Texas you can be treated by a physical therapist for 10-15 business days without an outside referral. After this time, if treatment is still needed, a referral must be obtained. No referral is needed for non-injury assessments and programming.

If you are in need of assistance in obtaining a referral please let us know.

What to expect at my first visit?

Your initial visit with your doctor of physical therapy will begin promptly at your scheduled time and will last from 60-90 minutes. The initial visit will consist of both PT and patient getting to know one another and specific, individualized goals will be determined. A comprehensive movement and tissue specific evaluation will be performed and an individualized program will begin to be put together. Following your initial visit, you will be sent a detailed email outlining the findings of your visit and specifics of your program going forward.

What should I wear to my appointments?

You will be moving and working out during your appointments so please wear comfortable athletic clothing that allows for full, unrestricted movement.

physical therapy, Georgetown, TX, injury prevention, pain, sports recovery, sports therapy